This Upcoming Purple Day, the EOS Foundation stands united with the global community in raising awareness and supporting those living with epilepsy. As you may know, Purple Day is a worldwide event dedicated to epilepsy awareness, and here at EOS Foundation, we're taking concrete steps to make a difference in Nigeria.
Towards this vision; stay tuned for these incoming contents
- Turning Purple into Progress: Financial Aid for Medication
- Beyond the Purple: Understanding Epilepsy and How You Can Help
- Treatment Options and Support in Nigeria
- A Day in the Life: Living with Epilepsy in Nigeria
- Let's Talk Epilepsy: Join the Conversation on Social Media
This Purple Day, let's use social media to spread awareness and understanding about epilepsy. Join the conversation using the hashtag #PurpleDayNG # epilepsypurpleday #theeosfoundation and share educational content about epilepsy.
We'll also be providing social media post templates and key information to make sharing easy. Remember, by educating others and advocating for support, we can create a more inclusive and informed society for those living with epilepsy.
Stay tuned for more in-depth information on our website and future blog posts. In the meantime, visit our donation page to contribute to our financial aid program towards medical aids sponsorship for epileptic patients.